Abortion is a medical procedure for pregnancy termination by removing the embryo from the uterus. Most countries in different parts of the world permit abortions upon request, and Turkey is no exception in this regard. The right to abortion is recognized under the European Union and by human rights organizations as a basic right pertaining to women’s choices about their bodies. Abortion on request is permitted in the country of Turkey for pregnancies up to 10 weeks. For any further period, there is a set of particular legal necessities to be carried out. In the case of a married woman, the consent of the partner is also required; otherwise, clinics may enter into legal complications.

What Is Abortion?

It is the procedure of extraction of the embryo through the uterus by applying different methods. Abortions can be done only in the first 10 weeks. Sometimes, it’s dangerous to the mother for continuing the pregnancy, or the unborn child may suffer from serious medical disabilities. Even after completion of 10 weeks, the pregnancy can be aborted if proper medical reports and recommendations from the doctors are received.

Thanks to advancements in technology and medical science, abortion is now not the painful procedure it used to be. The vacuum aspiration method, for example, makes it easier to terminate an unwanted pregnancy than could be allowed by earlier methods.

Why Is Abortion Performed?

Abortion is performed either for unwanted pregnancies or due to medical reasons. Here are some specific situations wherein abortion is performed:

• Developmental or genetic abnormality in the embryo.
• If the pregnancy is a potential threat to the mother’s health.
• It has stopped developing embryo.
• After a miscarriage to clean up remaining tissue in the uterus.
• Suspicious mass in the uterus or accumulation of fluid.
• Uterine wall thickening, among others.

As it is seen, not only the removal of an embryo, but abortion is also needed in the process of diagnostic or cleansing of the womb.

 Who Can Have an Abortion?

All individuals who fulfill certain criteria can request an abortion:

– All elective abortions are permitted only within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
– If the woman is married, consent is needed from the husband; if she is unmarried, only her consent is required.
– If a woman seeking an abortion is under 18, it requires consent from parents or a legal guardian.
– For those below 15, though the procedure might be with parental consent, it shall be with the knowledge of the legal authorities.

How Is Abortion Performed?

Abortion usually takes place through three methods:

1. Surgical Abortion: This procedure involves scraping the lining of the uterus with an instrument called a curette. Today, it is less frequently used.
2. Medical Abortion: Known colloquially as the “abortion pill,” this is a medical procedure with prescription medicines. The first medicine serves to thin the lining of the uterus so the embryo cannot implant, and the second induces contractions in the uterus to push the embryo out. Sometimes, if parts remain in the uterus, another procedure called revision abortion is performed.
3. Vacuum Aspiration: This is a modern procedure based on the principle of negative pressure, which sucks the embryo and contents out of the uterus. It is quicker and less uncomfortable compared to older methods of abortion. It has less recovery time and also decreases the chances of complications.

Timing and Duration of Abortion

Abortion should be done within a legal limit of 10 weeks from the last menstrual period. The procedure itself often takes less than 10 minutes, though this time may vary depending on the circumstance.

Recovery After Abortion

Patients who undergo vacuum aspiration recover more quickly from the procedure compared to patients undergoing a more traditional surgical abortion; however, they are also counseled to avoid public baths and pools, to take personal hygiene precautions, and to report unusual bleeding to the doctor. Generally, patients should avoid sexual relations for two weeks following the procedure. In order to have an uncomplicated recovery and to reduce the risk of complications, the medical advice must be followed.

Such an understanding of the various facets of abortion can only facilitate better decision-making. A person needs to be aware of all the medical, legal, and emotional considerations that surround the procedure.